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Public Building Commission Minutes 2/9/2011

South Windsor Public Building Commission
Minutes - Regular Meeting – February 9, 2011

Present:  Chairman Fitts  and Members:  Jeski, Lyons, Neary, O’Connell, and Wilson.

Also present:  Architect Humes.    Chief Crombie and Town Council Liaison Prague were attending the Fire Department Annual Dinner, rescheduled due to earlier snow storms.

Chairman Fitts called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm in the Fire Department Conference Room at Company 3 on West Road.  Minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 8, 2010 were unanimously approved as presented.

Communications and Correspondence


New Fire House #3 and Ambulance Facility

Architect Humes brought to the meeting and formally delivered multiple cartons of operations and maintenance manuals, plans and drawings, and warrantee materials, all for retention in Fire Station # 3.  Similar materials had already been delivered to the Town Hall.  These are the only two complete sets of these materials, and the Company # 3 materials need a special secure storage place in the building.

In discussions about the contents of the cartons, comments were offered about building keying not yet working consistently, and about some plumbing problems in the kitchen and lavatories.  Those passing by the building at various times suggested that building lighting seems to go on and off at strange times, especially in the middle of the night and early in the morning.  It also appears that proper data lines from Company # 3 to the Police Department may not yet be installed.  It was agreed that repair needs should be promptly referred to the appropriate contractors for correction.

Latest information was that the Town Council has not yet finalized the Ambulance Corps contract with the Town, so most of their operations and equipment remain at the Police Station, although some furniture has been moved into the new building.   The target date for the public dedication of the new building is suggested for Sunday, March 6th with a public tour set for Spring in nicer weather, but without a settled Ambulance Corps contract, dedication of the building with only one of the building users present seems a little awkward and unfriendly.  The Fire Department is making active use of the building, not only for apparatus housing, but for meetings, training, and regional seminars.

A final punch list still needs attention, but PBC members want to do that in the building.
Landscaping is clearly finished until spring when we will see if warrantees need to be implemented due to winter losses from continuing snow storms.

Payment of Invoices

The first financial item of business was ratification of the actions taken in a teleconference of PBC members held at noon on January 26, 2011 as a replacement for a snowed out Regular Meeting on January 9th and a Regular Meeting set for January 26th, but with another anticipated snow storm.  Vendors were pressing for payment of invoices.  PBC Members Lyons, Jeski, Neal, O’Connell,. Wilson, and Fitts all voted to approve a total of $6,396.64 for TELSPAN and $54,319. for Interior Concepts, both items the result of competitive bidding and both within the project budget.  Paperwork was submitted to the Town Hall after PBC approval so checks could be available for vendors by January 27, 2011.  The actions of the teleconference were unanimously approved.

A motion was made, seconded, and unanimously approved to recommend to the Town Manager payment of:
  • invoice # 6 from Lawrence Associates for $1,590, the 5% retained from their contract for pre-referendum design work for the Senior Center expansion to the South Windsor Community Center
  • Invoice #580192 from BKM Total Office for purchase and installation of sudio-visual equipment for the Fire Station # 3 Training Room for $4504.
  • Invoice #0003776-IN from GearGrid Corporation for hose and bottles storage and breathing equipment storage for Fire Station # 3 for $1,891.
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:35 pm.

The next regular PBC meeting is scheduled for Wednesday March 9 2011, starting at 6:30 pm in the Directors’ Room on the lower level of the South Windsor Public Library.

                                                        Respectfully submitted,
H. E. Fitts, Temporary Secretary